Unravelling the intermediary role of farmers’ organisations in the transition towards sustainable agriculture: Case studies from Burkina Faso.

Date de mise à jour : 14 juin 2018

Thèse de doctorat - Spécialité Agricultural Innovation System préparée par Aboubakar Hayatou Iyabano à Montpellier SupAgro (France) et Wageningen University and Research Center (Pays-Bas).

Période : 2014-2018


Several studies have been done with regard to the role of Farmers Organisations (FOs) in agricultural innovation and rural development, by facilitating farmers’ demand articulation in agricultural innovation system and bringing farmers together in innovation networks. Little work has been done regarding the position of FOs in the transition towards more sustainable agriculture and how they (as an intermediary organisation) can facilitate this transition. Hence, the general objective of this study is to explore the contribution of FOs as a « change agent » in the transition towards more sustainable agriculture in Burkina Faso. The specific objectives are: i) to analyze the position of FOs in the sustainable agriculture paradigm and to build a typology based on their position (very agro-ecological; more/less agro-ecological; and less agro-ecological). ii) To unravel the intermediary role ((between external actors, e.g.: development organisations, NGOs, public services) and intermediary with their members (farmers, also called clients)) of FOs in the transition towards more sustainable agriculture. iii) To analyze the learning mechanisms of FOs’ members (farmers) and to assess the potential impact of this learning process on farm output.

Date de mise à jour : 14 juin 2018